pbs.py - PBS cluster routines

Routines for submitting batch jobs to a cluster.

everest.missions.k2.pbs.Download(campaign=0, queue='build', email=None, walltime=8, **kwargs)

Submits a cluster job to the build queue to download all TPFs for a given campaign.

  • campaign (int) – The K2 campaign to run
  • queue (str) – The name of the queue to submit to. Default build
  • email (str) – The email to send job status notifications to. Default None
  • walltime (int) – The number of hours to request. Default 8
everest.missions.k2.pbs.EverestModel(ID, model='nPLD', publish=False, csv=False, **kwargs)

A wrapper around an everest model for PBS runs.

everest.missions.k2.pbs.InjectionStatus(campaign=range(0, 18), model='nPLD', purge=False, depths=[0.01, 0.001, 0.0001], **kwargs)

Shows the progress of the injection de-trending runs for the specified campaign(s).

everest.missions.k2.pbs.Publish(campaign=0, EPIC=None, nodes=5, ppn=12, walltime=100, mpn=None, email=None, queue=None, **kwargs)

Submits a cluster job to generate the FITS files for publication. Make sure to run everest.k2.GetCBVs() for this campaign beforehand.

  • campaign – The K2 campaign number. If this is an int, returns all targets in that campaign. If a float in the form X.Y, runs the Y^th decile of campaign X.
  • queue (str) – The queue to submit to. Default None (default queue)
  • email (str) – The email to send job status notifications to. Default None
  • walltime (int) – The number of hours to request. Default 100
  • nodes (int) – The number of nodes to request. Default 5
  • ppn (int) – The number of processors per node to request. Default 12
  • mpn (int) – Memory per node in gb to request. Default no setting.
everest.missions.k2.pbs.Run(campaign=0, EPIC=None, nodes=5, ppn=12, walltime=100, mpn=None, email=None, queue=None, **kwargs)

Submits a cluster job to compute and plot data for all targets in a given campaign.

  • campaign – The K2 campaign number. If this is an int, returns all targets in that campaign. If a float in the form X.Y, runs the Y^th decile of campaign X.
  • queue (str) – The queue to submit to. Default None (default queue)
  • email (str) – The email to send job status notifications to. Default None
  • walltime (int) – The number of hours to request. Default 100
  • nodes (int) – The number of nodes to request. Default 5
  • ppn (int) – The number of processors per node to request. Default 12
  • mpn (int) – Memory per node in gb to request. Default no setting.
everest.missions.k2.pbs.Status(season=range(0, 18), model='nPLD', purge=False, injection=False, cadence='lc', **kwargs)

Shows the progress of the de-trending runs for the specified campaign(s).