__init__.py - Initialization

everest.missions.k2.__init__.CSVHEADER = 'EPIC %09d\n==============\n\n\nDESCRIPTION\n-----------\nDe-trended light curve generated by the Everest pipeline.\nEverest implements 3rd order pixel-level decorrelation to\nremove instrumental systematics from light curves. Here we\nprovide a simple version of the de-trended timeseries, but\nusers are encouraged to interface with the Everest catalog\nusing the Python code available at\n\nhttps://github.com/rodluger/everest\n\nThis is particularly useful for users interested in transit\nphotometry. Like any regression method that attempts to min-\nimize photometric scatter, Everest may partially overfit\ntransit features that are not properly masked. The Everest\ncode provides easy-to-use methods to mask known transits,\neliminating biases in the transit depth. For more informa-\ntion, consult the documentation linked on the github page.\n\n\nATTRIBUTION\n-----------\nIf you make use of this light curve, please cite\n\n 1. Luger, R. et al. 2016, AJ, 152, 100\n 2. Luger, R. et al. 2017, AJ (submitted)\n\n\nCOLUMN INFO\n-----------\nTIME (float): Time (BJD - 2454833)\nCADN (int): Cadence number\nFCOR (float): CBV-corrected, PLD de-trended flux\nFLUX (float): PLD de-trended flux\nFRAW (float): Raw simple aperture photometry flux\nMASK (int): 0 = Data point was included in the model\n calculation\n 1 = Data point was NaN in the raw flux\n 2 = Data point has a flagged QUALITY bit\n 3 = Data point was identified as an outlier\n\n'

The published light curve CSV file header

everest.missions.k2.__init__.IDSTRING = 'EPIC'

The string that identifies individual targets for this mission


Returns True if argument is a valid K2 target identifier (necessary but not sufficient)

everest.missions.k2.__init__.MAGSTRING = 'K$_\\mathrm{p}$'

The string representing the filter/band used in the mission

everest.missions.k2.__init__.SEASONCHAR = 'C'

The character abbreviation of the name given to an observing “season” for this mission

everest.missions.k2.__init__.SEASONS = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 102, 111, 112, 12, 13]

The currently supported seasons

everest.missions.k2.__init__.TIMEUNITS = 'BJD - 2454833'

The time units for the mission