
The analytic dynamics module of planetplanet. These are a collection of Julia scripts and are separate from the rest of the code.


Creates a diagram showing the analytic means to compute a timing offset. Requires installation of the ExoJulia package for carrying out Kepler solver before calling. Also requires PyPlot, which calls matplotlib, and CGS.jl and regress.jl. For example, from Julia prompt:

julia> include("/PathToExoJulia/exojulia.jl")

where PathToExoJulia indicates the path where it is installed.

This is followed by:

julia> include("offset_diagram2.jl")


Creates simulated timing offsets for planet-planet events, and then fits with analytic formulae to recover the eccentricities and make a plot for the paper. Same dependencies as offset_diagram2.jl.


Computes the probability of density and coplanarity of TRAPPIST-1 based upon the measured transit periods and the observed durations plus uncertainties (as well as the measured planet-star radius ratios). Uses CGS.jl and JLD, which saves variables in HDF files.


Creates plots of the posterior distribution of density and coplanarity parameter for TRAPPIST-1. Uses the Optim package for optimizing a fit to the distribution, as well as PyPlot and JLD. Requires first running monte_carlo_circular.jl and then reading in the jld file (the name of the jld file contains the number of simulations carried out; this needs to be modified in plot_circular.jld).